Nature Photos
Nature Gallery
Golf, Dances, Shuffleboard, Planned Activities, Theme Parks, and Shopping are all great! However, there are some very special moments you will experience in our community that you will not find anyplace else. Because we border Kissimminee National Park, we have an abundance of wildlife in our area. It is not uncommon to see flocks of wild turkeys, wild pigs, bald eagles, ospreys, alligators, turtles, deer, and a host of other wildlife while staying with us. Evening walks around the lake take on a whole new experience watching the birds, flowers, and other wildlife.
An Occasional Visitor to our Community Soaks up the Florida Sunshine
An abundance of native birds frequent our shore looking for small fish in the lake (and sometimes handouts) from our guests.
Our nature walk is a simply great way to start or end your day
A great place to take life "slow" for a while
Many different types of flowers and native plants dot our shores and our nature walk on the community's island and grounds